Membuat Game Sederhana Di Form Visual Studio
Membuat Game Sederhana Di Form Visual Studio - Kali ini aku bakal ngasih tutorial Membuat Game Sederhana Di Form Visual Studio, dengan bahasa c#.
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Bah dibawah ini merupakan script game gravity untuk Membuat Game Sederhana Di Form Visual Studio.
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; public class GravityGame : Form { private Label planetLabel; private Label velocityLabel; private Label saLabel; private Label resultsLabel; private TextBox resultsTextBox; private TextBox velocityTextBox; private Button startButton; private Button resetButton; private ComboBox planetComboBox; private Panel drawingPanel; // The Timer is used to control the execution speed // of the game. private Timer gameTimer; private double boxLocation; // horizontal location of box private double boxVelocity; private int boxWidth; // width of box in pixels. private double ballAltitude; // vertical location of ball private double ballLocation; // horizontal location of ball private double initialAltitude; // initial ball altitude private double g; // gravitational acceleration private double time; // time since box begins to move. private double dropTime; // time since ball was dropped private bool dropped; // true if the ball has been dropped. public GravityGame() { // Set box, ball, and time parameters. boxLocation = 0.0; boxWidth = 40; initialAltitude = 120.0; ballAltitude = initialAltitude; ballLocation = 210.0; time = 0.0; dropTime = 0.0; dropped = false; // Create a Timer object that will be used // to slow the action down. gameTimer = new Timer(); gameTimer.Interval = 50; // delay in milliseconds. gameTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(ActionPerformed); // Create some Labels planetLabel = new Label(); planetLabel.Text = "Planet"; planetLabel.Font = new Font(planetLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold); planetLabel.Top = 30; planetLabel.Left = 10; planetLabel.Width = 40; velocityLabel = new Label(); velocityLabel.Text = "Laju Box"; velocityLabel.Font = new Font(velocityLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold); velocityLabel.Top = 60; velocityLabel.Left = 10; velocityLabel.Width = 40; saLabel = new Label(); saLabel.Text = "m/s"; saLabel.Font = new Font(velocityLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold); saLabel.Top = velocityLabel.Top; saLabel.Left =190; saLabel.Width = 30; resultsLabel = new Label(); resultsLabel.Text = "Hasil"; resultsLabel.Font = new Font(resultsLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold); resultsLabel.Top = 230; resultsLabel.Left = 10; resultsLabel.Width = 40; // Create TextBox objects to display the outcome. velocityTextBox = new TextBox(); velocityTextBox.Width = 100; velocityTextBox.Text = "0"; velocityTextBox.AutoSize = true; velocityTextBox.Top = velocityLabel.Top; velocityTextBox.Left = 70; resultsTextBox = new TextBox(); resultsTextBox.Text = ""; resultsTextBox.AutoSize = true; resultsTextBox.Top = resultsLabel.Top; resultsTextBox.Left = 50; // Create Button objects int buttonHeight = 30; int buttonLeft = 20; startButton = new Button(); startButton.Text = "Start"; startButton.Height = buttonHeight; startButton.Width = 100; startButton.Top = 100; startButton.Left = buttonLeft; startButton.Click += new EventHandler(StartButtonClicked); resetButton = new Button(); resetButton.Text = "Quit"; resetButton.Height = buttonHeight; resetButton.Width = 100; resetButton.Top = 140; resetButton.Left = buttonLeft; resetButton.Click += new EventHandler(QuitButtonClicked); // Create a ComboBox to select a planet on which // the ball will be dropped. planetComboBox = new ComboBox(); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Bumi"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Bulan"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Yupiter"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Mars"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Venus"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Merkurius"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Saturnus"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Pluto"); planetComboBox.Items.Add("Uranus"); planetComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0; planetComboBox.Left = 80; planetComboBox.Top = planetLabel.Top; // Create a drawing panel. drawingPanel = new Panel(); drawingPanel.Width = 251; drawingPanel.Height = 151; drawingPanel.Left = 230; drawingPanel.Top = 50; drawingPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; // Add the GUI components to the Form this.Controls.Add(planetLabel); this.Controls.Add(velocityLabel); this.Controls.Add(saLabel); this.Controls.Add(resultsLabel); this.Controls.Add(velocityTextBox); this.Controls.Add(resultsTextBox); this.Controls.Add(startButton); this.Controls.Add(resetButton); this.Controls.Add(planetComboBox); this.Controls.Add(drawingPanel); // Set the size and title of the form this.Height = 300; this.Width = 500; this.Text = "Gravity Game by Yoga Sancaya"; // Center the form on the screen and make // it visible. this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Visible = true; // Update the GUI display UpdateDisplay(); } // Event handling method for the "Start" button public void StartButtonClicked(object source, EventArgs e) { startButton.Text = "Reset"; startButton.Click += new EventHandler(ResetButtonClicked); // Get the box velocity from the textfield boxVelocity = Convert.ToDouble(velocityTextBox.Text); // Determine which planet is selected and set // the gravitational acceleration accordingly. string selectedItem = (string)planetComboBox.SelectedItem; if ( String.Equals(selectedItem, "Bumi") ) { g = 9.807; } else if ( String.Equals(selectedItem, "Bulan") ) { g = 1.622; } else if (String.Equals(selectedItem, "Mars")){ g = 3.711; } else if (String.Equals(selectedItem, "Venus")) { g = 8.87; } else if (String.Equals(selectedItem, "Merkurius")) { g = 3.7; } else if (String.Equals(selectedItem, "Saturnus")) { g = 10.44; } else if (String.Equals(selectedItem, "Pluto")) { g = 0.62; } else if (String.Equals(selectedItem, "Uranus")) { g = 8.69; } else { g = 24.79; // Jupiter } // Start the box sliding using a Timer object // to slow down the action. gameTimer.Start(); dropped = true; } // Event handling method for the "Drop" button public void QuitButtonClicked(object source, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } // Event handling method for the "Reset" button public void ResetButtonClicked(object source, EventArgs e) { startButton.Text = "Start"; startButton.Click += new EventHandler(StartButtonClicked); // stop the timer. gameTimer.Stop(); // Reset the box and ball location and time; boxLocation = 0.0; ballAltitude = initialAltitude; time = 0.0; dropTime = 0.0; dropped = false; // Blank out the results textfield. resultsTextBox.Text = ""; // Update the display. UpdateDisplay(); } // This method redraws the GUI display. private void UpdateDisplay() { Graphics g = drawingPanel.CreateGraphics(); int width = drawingPanel.Width - 1; // Clear the current display. g.Clear(drawingPanel.BackColor); Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2); g.DrawLine(blackPen, 0, 130, width, 130); // Update the position of the box and // ball on the screen. SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); g.FillRectangle(brush, (int)boxLocation, 120, boxWidth, 10); int zPosition = (int)(initialAltitude - ballAltitude); g.FillEllipse(brush, (int)ballLocation, zPosition, 10, 10); // Clean up the Graphics object. g.Dispose(); } // This method is called by the Timer every 0.05 seconds. public void ActionPerformed(object source, EventArgs e) { // Update the time and compute the new position // of the box and ball. double timeIncrement = 0.05; time += timeIncrement; boxLocation = boxVelocity*time; if ( dropped ) { dropTime += timeIncrement; ballAltitude = initialAltitude - 0.5*g*dropTime*dropTime; } // Update the display UpdateDisplay(); // If the ball hits the ground, stop the simulation // and determine if it landed in the box. if ( ballAltitude <= 0.0 ) { gameTimer.Stop(); if ( ballLocation >= boxLocation && ballLocation <= boxLocation + boxWidth - 10 ) { resultsTextBox.Text = "Mantap Coy!"; } else { resultsTextBox.Text = "Oh No Bungs!"; } } } static void Main() { Application.Run(new GravityGame()); } }
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